About Us
Founded by yoga teacher, trainer and movement therapist Dariel DeGennaro Woltz and her husband Michael, The Studio offers a selection of classes for all practitioners, no matter how long you have been doing yoga. We have been at our current yoga studio in Westfield, New York, since 1999, which is fully equipped for your use. Located in an amazing park-like environment with a creek along the property, our yoga studio is a truly beautiful space where you can experience excellent instruction. Our yoga instructors are ready to help you find a new sense of balance, harmony, and relaxation. Contact us to sign up for a class or private session.
Testimonials About Our Classes
"Thank you for such a wonderful class. Your attention to detail is ever amazing and your love for teaching is so evident and glowing."
"Thank you for all you do that adds Joy, Mystery, and enCHANTment to our lives!"
"You bring me tears of sweetness, joy, relief, a caring and nurturing spirit, tucking me in for the first time in my life."
"What a powerful resource to have a teacher like you, and a studio like this, for my practice."
"I have been so frightened and so tense for so many years that I lost faith in my innate ability to relax. But today instead of trying to force myself to relax from the outside, I felt it naturally emerge from the inside - it is so inspiring."
"... I tell everyone that I think you are the best yoga teacher around—and I truly think you are. Your teaching encourages people to grow without being pressured to do so. You teach by your words and even more by your example. Thank you! Thank you! Knowing you is certainly one of the true blessings in my life."
"Please know that the class this evening was very effective for me. I had an emotionally draining day, and actually had to convince myself to attend tonight! Upon leaving the studio, a fresh feeling of calm accompanied me. Thank you for providing the tools to accomplish this."
"Every week before class I think about being too busy; every week after class I'm so thankful I took the time."
"Just wanted to say again how wonderful the two weekends of restorative yoga were for me...so loved your teaching style and the content of the workshop. I do look forward to taking your regular classes in the spring."
"Class gives me a special kind of joy."